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Customer Success
Indiana State University

Learn how Indiana State University uses AutomWorx to keep Ellucian Banner automations running smoothly.

Indiana State University worked with AutomWorx to migrate virtual machines and extend application functionality.

Based in Terre Haute, Indiana and serving close to nine-thousand students, Indiana State University is a college whose mission includes learning, discovery, engagement, and inclusiveness.


Like many colleges and universities, Indiana State uses Ellucian Banner as a student information and management system; integrated with Banner is Applications Manager from Broadcom, which automates Banner workloads to get even better performance out of this critical application.


To ensure Banner and Applications Manager continued to operate seamlessly, and to take advantage of extended support, Indiana State University chose AutomWorx.

Indiana State University

About Indiana State University

Indiana State University offers over 100 Bachelor's majors, and nearly 50 Master's degrees along with pre-professional and certificate programs.



Large conversion of business automation in a short amount of time.



Partnership with AutomWorx to get the project done ahead of schedule.

Academic Affairs


Institutions of higher education have a complicated task as they begin each term. From student admissions to generation of financial aid letters, the volume of work and associated processing is linked to the academic calendar, creating uneven demand for resources.


Ellucian Banner maintains student, faculty, course, alumni, financial, financial aid and personnel data, and students can use Banner directly to register for classes, check grades, and access direct deposit information as related to disbursed aid.


“We have long used Applications Manager to automate Banner functions, which saves my team a great deal of time, especially during our busiest periods like fall admissions,” said Stacey Bocard, Systems Applications Manager. “However, even though we have significant experience in how Banner and Applications Manager work together, working with AutomWorx gave us access to an even higher level of expertise.”


Using Consulting


AutomWorx offers assistance with implementations, upgrades, health checks, licensing, and extended support to organizations who utilize automation platforms like Applications Manager and Automic. Clients get access to consultants who have deep expertise across the workload automation ecosystem, which can take pressure off staff who have other critical responsibilities.


In addition, automation consulting for colleges, universities, and other schools using Banner provides an opportunity to find more areas for potential automation, including integration of other applications across campus. Indiana State University, for instance, leveraged consulting to migrate their environment to virtual machines.


“AutomWorx was easy to work with, flexible, and very knowledgeable,” said Bocard. “The services are an excellent value, and our advice to other schools is to contact them.”

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